Brush Up Your Excel Skills: Excel at Work


Do you know how to use Excel beyond adding cells and making bar charts? Whether Yes or No, you can learn more about Excel in AFSA’s newest event — Excel at Work.

Excel at Work is a two-part workshop designed to prepare students for co-op and future finance courses.

The workshop is in two parts, happening on next Monday November 10th, and next Wednesday November 12th.

The first part on Monday will be presented by Henry Yu. He will be giving a lesson on the simpler but frequently used Excel features, such as sort and filter, freeze panes, linking spreadsheets, array functions, dynamic and absolute references, shortcuts, hotkeys and more.

The second part on Wednesday will be presented by Professor Geoffrey. He will cover more advanced material for those who already have a good understanding of the basics of Excel. The lesson will include pivot tables, what-if analysis, solver, financial functions, and Macros.

The workshops will take place in MC 1056 at 6:00pm on both days. You are invited to come to either, or both of these sessions depending on where your excel skills are at. Make sure to check out our event pages on Facebook for more information.

Session 1 Event Page :

Session 2 Event Page :

Space is limited, make sure to pre-register on Eventbrite: